Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New show booked

Boomer and I just started booking a comedy showcase on Saturday Nights at 8pm at the Cannabis Cafe on 322 NE 82nd Ave. It's going to be fucking awesome. Come check it out if you have your medical card. A flyer will probably be up here later this evening. Big Things Folks.
Also, I have a production meeting with the TV Show.


Monday, January 24, 2011


Hosting Comedy Jokes at Cannabis Cafe this Fridjay. Private Show. Or public show if you have your Med card. Check it out. Flyer for the show later this week.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So It Begins...

On the way up, there are many bumps. Tonight at the Boiler Room I was reminded of why I have to continuously write to stay productive. I'm still trying to figure out why I get nervous at the fucking Boiler Room. What the Fuck Brain?! It was a shitty set and reminded of how nice everyone is; which makes it a bit less productive.

Anywhoseit... I flushed a radiator today for a friend and she is making me and my roomate an awesome homemade pizza. Pizza won't pay the bills, but it holds off the whole starving thing and taken out to dinner before with Timmy. Which was awesome. Meeting tons of the best people I've been around in my life, pretty exciting.

Currently working on writing a television show with some super talented cats. I'm waiting for everyone to figure out that my stuff sucks and to just kick me to the curb. Partially, because I'm retarded in the whole confidence market. It's coming along pretty smoothly so far, waiting for all of the snags to take hold but treading along trying to avoid them. Writers meeting tomorrow which is going to be rad. More to come on that subject.

Went to Harvey's Comedy Club for the open mic on Sunday (also, as always, to see the lovely Amy.) I wish people would stick around more at those mics but, fuck, when the second comic is telling rehab jokes to a group of substitute teachers for Kelso.... people. fucking. leave. Everytime. It sucks. Had a pretty good set, some new jokes were hitting well. (Trying to write wider demographic stuff) Afterwards, I went back to the table and was chatting with Jen, and Amy calls me to the sound booth. She pulls out her calender and confirms my hosting spot March 10th through the 13th. (PLUG!) I'm stoked. This will be my second time hosting an actual comedy club. Staying Hungry with this stuff is paying off.

This is panning out to be a good start to the year.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Comedy Road- Like Thunder Road but lazier

I love comedy. I love writing comedy. I like touring to do comedy.
Shows Coming up.

Shades of Laughs Comedy Competition - January 11th Tuesday, Copper Penny SE 92nd and Powell (Alt. for this show, I have to show and hope someone doesn't.
Ride the Light Comedy Showcase- February 22nd,  Tuesday, Mudai Lounge
March 10th- 13th, Harvey's Comedy Club Hosting Harvey's Comedy Club. Tickets Available at

More to Come
Holy Shit. Super busy for being unemployed.